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This is a summary on the present state of geodetic activities carried out at the General Commission for Survey (GCS), Saudi Arabia. General Commission for Survey has the responsibility of defining, maintaining and providing access to the National Spatial Reference System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Geodetic Leveling Network constitute an essential part of a country, as it provides the
necessary vertical control for all surveying and mapping purposes. The first Geodetic
Leveling Network of Saudi Arabia was established by the Kingdoms Ministry of Petroleum
between 1966 and 1971 as a First Order vertical network. The rapid development and
reconstruction along roads where the old network was established has caused major part of
the network to be destroyed. GCS aims to re-establish accurate height control throughout the
kingdom by an extensive levelling campaign with second order class 1 accuracy with the
same density of the original network. The tide gauge network was established at 12 locations
along the Red sea and the Arabia Gulf. Tidal benchmarks were levelled at first order class 2
accuracy to the tide gauge
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- 9 years ago
- 6 years ago